You ARE Brand New: A Journey of Grace and Gratitude 🌟

Jan 05, 2024 2:15 pm

Dear Sweet Friend,

May 12, 2023 was a tough day. Why am I telling you this? Because a few years previously, I would have wallowed in what happened that day. However, this time I sat down and gave thanks.

Even though hurtful things were said and done, I didn't ruminate. I didn't negative self-talk. I didn't extrapolate to the future.

I acknowledged what was said and done. Accepted it reveals the heart and mind of the person doing it and NOT myself. Recognized, the person on the other side isn't capable of healthy processing when angry or they don't care. I can't control either.

After I paused and reminded myself of the truths and saw the event for the clarity it offers, I sat down and journaled. That is one thing I do. But instead of writing about the incident or asking a bunch of questions (those things only fuel the hurt), I wrote a poem of thanks to acknowledge the new path I've been walking.

I want to share it with you - I want this for you too!

Click Here!


If you are ready to live this brand new truth and not just know it (you know what I mean....) then join me and other stepmoms in a small group experience to learn the Art of Reframing. You can use the code stepmomsister for a discount.

I encourage you to sign up today. Once seats are filled, they are filled. You can also sign up for a FREE clarity call if you are interested in learning more.

In this group, you'll dive deep to uncover patterns of pain, learn the truths about the complexities of stepfamily life and the impact it has on you and gain communication skills and emotionally intelligent processing strategies that work. You will learn how to reframe and practice it in the safety and community of the small group.

Let's get started. Reply to this email with any questions or comments.

See you soon and let's make choices in 2024 to ensure an emotionally free and joyous 2025!


Heather Hetchler

