Get Unstuck: Let's Take Messy Action TOGETHER

Jan 01, 2024 9:40 pm

Dear Sweet Friend,

As 2024 begins, it's a natural time for reflection, and I find myself wanting to share some thoughts with you.

Change is a concept we often grapple with, especially when faced with challenges or yearning for something different. But here's a truth we can't ignore: change won't happen if we keep doing the same things and merely wishing for different results.

If you've ever found yourself stuck in a cycle of wanting change but not seeing it materialize, you're not alone. Real transformation begins with a shift in mindset and the willingness to take what I like to call "messy action." Yes, messy – because it won't be perfect from the start, and that's perfectly okay.

Let's be real; change isn't about resolving ourselves to misery or wishing things were different. It's about acknowledging that change requires action, even when it feels messy and imperfect. Why? Because that's the nature of progress, and guess what? You're only human.

Now is the time to invest in you and experience real change.

Here are a few things I have learned to be 100% true:

  • You can't change anyone or make them do anything but you CAN set boundaries around what you will allow.
  • Responding to stress instead of reacting to it always creates a more peace-filled heart.
  • God did not design you to be a doormat. It is kind to say NO.
  • You will mess up. Even when you clean out the thought closet and adopt new skills, you will mess up from time to time. You are human. Learn from it and move forward.
  • Feelings are NOT facts. If you find yourself extrapolating truths from how you "feel" it's time to get real.

Read that last one again. And again. Truth - our feelings are NOT facts. If we wait until we think we can experience true change, we may never start. I don't want you in the same "emotional" space come start of 2025.

So, I want to extend an invitation to you: join us in the "Art of Reframing" small group. In this supportive community, we'll explore the power of changing our mindset and taking messy action towards the life we desire.

What is messy action? It's the courage to try, stumble, learn, and keep moving forward. It's an acknowledgment that perfection isn't the goal, progress is. I will guide you and the other women in the group to clean out your thought closet, address your patterns of pain and teach you and help you put into practice new responses and strategies that WILL have you experiencing emotional freedom. Or your money back.

Whether you're just starting or already on a journey of change, our small group is a space where we learn from each other's messy actions and celebrate every step forward.

If you're ready to take action in the right direction, surrounded by other incredible women with similar goals and desires, I invite you to join us. Let's make progress together and embrace the messy, beautiful journey of change.

Click on the links above and use the code stepmomsister for a sweet discount or reply to this email if you're ready to take that step and I'll reach out personally.

I'm looking forward to having you with us.

Committed to moving forward each day!

Heather Hetchler

Mindset Coach & Stepfamily Expert

