Are you free next week? Want to have coffee? ☕

Jun 28, 2024 3:28 pm

Dear Friend,

Have you ever wondered about the difference between therapy and coaching? You know you are struggling and you are trying to decide which is a best fit. In the midst of deciding, you do nothing and the stress ruminates through your head, heart and home.

While both counseling and coaching are incredibly valuable, they serve distinct purposes. Therapy focuses on healing and understanding past experiences, whereas coaching is about growth, mission focused goal-setting, and moving forward with a plan and purpose!!! ❤️


Think about it: you take your kids to a coach when playing a sport, you seek out a coach when learning a new skill. Why not apply the same concept to your personal life?

Relational coaching empowers you to navigate challenges, set and achieve goals, and enhance your overall well-being. Coaching through challenges aren't just about being a stepmom, it's about living the life you desire. It's about facing challenges you CAN'T FIX and getting help to address and move through those challenges.

I’m dedicated to helping women and couples navigate challenges they can't "fix" on their own. These challenges might leave you feeling stuck, lost, and powerless, but together, we can turn obstacles into opportunities for growth and empowerment.

Why Coaching?

Imagine a life where you're not just surviving, but thriving. Picture yourself making confident, informed decisions that lead to lasting peace, hope, and calm. That's the transformative journey this coaching experience is designed to help you achieve.

Join Me on a Clarity Call

If you’ve ever been curious about coaching, now is a perfect time to find out more. I invite you to jump on a call with me so I can hear your struggles, validate your experience, and provide a clear strategy for moving forward. This is your opportunity to explore how coaching can support you in achieving your personal goals.

Click here to schedule your clarity call:

Let's work together to help you thrive in every aspect of your life.

Warm regards,

Heather Hetchler, MA

