Open for the roadmap to STOP ruminating!

Aug 15, 2024 4:12 pm

Are you...

🤔 Tired of feeling stuck in negative thought patterns?

😓 Exhausted from ruminating on things you can't change?

🔁 Caught in a cycle of frustration and helplessness? Believing the lie that life will never get better unless someone or something changes....

It's time for a change! Carve out 30-minutes to slow down and watch this FREE workshop where you'll learn how to:

✨ Sift through your negative thoughts through God's lens

🌟 Shift your thinking to view through God's perspective

🧘‍♀️ Find peace and clarity in your unique role

This does NOT invalidate your feelings.

You won't hear "just let it go"

I'm teaching you HOW TO stop ruminating and take those negative thoughts captive!

🔗 Watch here:


You'll learn how to MOVE THROUGH the hard, no longer stepping over your feelings or carrying a load you weren't designed to carry.

In just half an hour, you'll gain powerful tools to help you untangle your emotional wellbeing from the words and actions of others. Learn how to navigate the challenges of stepmotherhood with grace knowing what you can and can't control.

Don't miss this opportunity to transform your mindset and find joy in your blended family journey! It's time to find your way back to you - the you God designed you to be!

Let's shift those thoughts together and embrace the blessings in your life! Who's ready to join me? Pour a cup of java and watch this workshop now!

I'm so excited about what I'm teaching and how it can help transform your thought life! Watch and write back letting me know your thoughts, questions and comments!

I'm so excited for this journey with you - you CAN experience peace and joy - let's start sifting and shifting today!

Let's talk live:


Heather Hetchler, MA
