What is Victory for a Stepmom?

Jan 02, 2024 8:19 pm

Dear Stepmom Sister,

As we step into a new season, I find myself reflecting on a powerful revelation that shaped my journey to emotional freedom in Christ —a revelation I'd love to share with you.

On January 1, 2021, I received a verse that resonated deeply: Deuteronomy 2:3 – "You have circled this mountain long enough. Now turn north." This divine message marked a turning point for me. It was the moment I chose to stop allowing myself to go round and round ruminating on why someone who should care could be so cruel to my husband and I.

I chose to stop chasing empathy and support from people who either weren't capable of giving it to me OR who chose to create a false truth about us. I decided to truly let go and use those open hands and heart to turn north and embrace completely the love and grace of God. I've never looked back and now I help women all over the world learn how to reframe their difficult relationships and reclaim their lives!


Are you in a relationship with your stepchild, the ex-spouse, or extended family where you feel scrutinized? Instead of someone asking you questions for clarity and compassion, false narratives are being created about you.

I realized that authentic victory begins by leading from a place of authenticity in Christ, not by conforming to others' expectations.

Moses, in the book of Deuteronomy, documents the Israelites' journey through the wilderness to share with the next generation so God's promises would never be forgotten. As we ponder the seemingly hopeless situations faced by the Israelites, we know for sure that God doesn't call us to fight for victory, but rather from victory. The victory is already ours.

Does this truth help you reframe how you look at what victory might feel like as a stepmom? You are victorious in Christ. Let's lead from that place....

This brings me to the heart of my message for you.

It's Time to Stop Circling and Start Leading from Victory!

I am thrilled to invite you to join me in the "Art of Reframing" small group—a transformative space where we delve into the powerful practice of reframing experiences. This is not just about changing your mindset; it's about reclaiming victory in your life.

In this small group, we'll explore the significance of the Deuteronomy 2:3 revelation and how it applies to our daily lives. Together, we'll learn to break free from the cycle of circling, rumination and chasing people and embrace life from a place of authenticity and victory in Christ.

🚀 What You Can Expect:

  • Live Group Coaching Calls twice a week for 6 weeks (can't attend live, no problem - you can watch the secure recording).
  • The Art of Reframing for Stepmoms workbook - we walk through it together
  • Access to a secure platform that includes EVERYTHING! No more searching emails or websites to find what you need. Anything shared in this group - stays in this group.
  • Weekly themes and challenges to help you grow.
  • Two individual one-on-one coaching calls.
  • Connect with a supportive community of like-minded individuals seeking emotional freedom in their lives.
  • Accountability to show up each week and do the work. In six weeks, you WILL feel different and will experience your family different.

You get so much more....

Ready to take the leap? Secure your spot in the "Art of Reframing" small group (use code stepmomsister) for a great discount and step into a season of victory, authenticity, and personal growth.


📅 Dates and Details:

We start week of January 23rd! Tuesday evenings at 7pm EST and Fridays at 4:00pm (LIVE and recorded)

Let's jump on a quick call if you have questions about reframing and/or would like some quick clarity on an issue you are navigating.

Let's journey toward victory together!




