Game-Changer Alert: Reframing Relationships joins forces with enlightenHer

Jan 30, 2024 5:36 pm

Dear Stepmom Sister,

I hope this message finds you embracing the possibilities and adventures of a new year. As we’ve stepped into 2024, I'm thrilled to share some exciting news that speaks to my ongoing commitment to empower and uplift women.

For over a decade, I've helped thousands of women learn how to reframe difficult situations and relationships to reclaim their peace. I believe in the power of mindset and the impact that perspective has on our experience of life.

That's why I'm delighted to announce my partnership with the remarkable team at enlightenHer. Together, we are on a mission to help women reframe their relationship with money by offering education, tools, and empowerment.

Let me share a bit about enlightenHer. I'm confident you will see immediately why I chose to partner with them to bring you more amazing tools. I’ve been busting at the seams to share so here goes…. I hope you take the time to read to the end!

enlightenHer was founded to support women in changing their financial narrative from "women who regret" to "women who empower". With mentorship, community, and trustworthy counsel, all women can become powerful, savvy leaders of their financial lives.

enlightenHer is not just here to help you make sense of your money. We're here to show you how to use money as a powerful tool to serve you on your life journey. We help women gain the confidence and knowledge to make financial decisions that serve them best and inspire others to take an active interest in building their own wealth.

As you know my passion is helping women develop a positive and healthy mindset to take on challenging relationships and situations, and the truth is we DO have a relationship with money. How we view it determines the health of our financial life. Financial health and emotional wealth are intertwined, and I couldn't be more excited to bridge the two and bring resources to you through enlightenHer.

Just like our family of origin defines our core values, attitudes, and beliefs, it also gives us the first impression of how to think of and handle money. For many women, finances weren't something they were taught. And quite frankly, the financial industry is geared towards males. That is changing with enlightenHer.

You may have caught wind of this exciting partnership through recent newsletters or podcasts. As we gear up to launch the enlightenHer Divorce Course, which addresses the biggest financial decision a married woman will ever make, I wanted to share with you my partnership with enlightenHer and tell you more about the mission of this organization.

Rest assured, this collaboration does not mark a departure from my work on reframing relationships in blended families. In fact, you can still sign up for a reframing small groups [here]. This collaboration represents an expansion of my efforts to assist women in getting right in their relationship with money.

I'm eager to share more details and how we can work together in this capacity soon. I know you may have female friends or family members who are looking to develop a healthy money mindset as well.

To keep you in the loop and ensure you receive updates about this exciting venture, could I ask for a small favor? Simply reply to this email with a quick "got it" so we know you're on board for the forthcoming details.

Thank you for your ongoing support, and here's to a year of positive transformations!

Warm regards,

Heather Hetchler

Ps. If you want to check out the site and read my money story (yep, I get real about the avoidance strategy I used to have with money), click [here].
