Ready to Embrace Change? It's time to Get Unstuck!

Dec 31, 2023 4:48 pm

Dear Stepmom Sister,

As 2023 draws to a close, I find myself reflecting on the year. I could say it's been a year of growth, challenges, and, most importantly, a year filled with resilience and strength. And it has. Honestly, I'm running into 2024. Are you with me?

Personally, I've walked through a new grief this year, saying goodbye to both my father and my brother. Through this, God revealed to both my husband and I those we can count on and those we cannot. I bet you can relate.

We could be sad that those who should be empathetic and supportive are not. Instead, we reframe and see the clarity God gives us. We know the importance of chasing after God instead of chasing people who either aren't capable of showing love and empathy or just don't care. Some people are self-centered and enjoy drama. They cannot or are not willing to walk alongside someone else. It takes the focus off of them. Yep, DNA doesn't make a person safe.

God reveals truth about others all the time. We get to choose whether we believe it and accept it or if we continue to pursue someone that isn't able to or willing to give us what is godly and right. This doesn't mean you have to end a relationship, but rather reframe and redefine. You can still be there for someone AND not engage in drama or take things personal. It's so freeing.

As we stand on the brink of a new year, I want to invite you to join me on a continued journey of transformation—a journey that goes beyond the typical New Year's resolutions. It's about embracing a new way of thinking and acting that has the power to redefine and reclaim our lives. It's the art of reframing.

It will impact how you experience your role as a stepmom, wife and relationships with extended family and friends.

It's transformed my experience and it can transform yours too!

So, I ask you, are you ready to get unstuck?

I've prepared a few thought-provoking questions for you to consider as we approach 2024:

  1. What do you NOT want to take into the new year?
  2. Take a moment to reflect on the baggage that no longer serves you. What are the thoughts, habits, or situations that you are ready to leave behind in the past?
  3. Are you comfortable with someone not liking you?
  4. Do you feel responsible for other people's feelings?

It's natural to care about others, but carrying the weight of their emotions can hinder our own growth. Reflect on whether it's time to release the burden of responsibility for how others feel. I'm here to tell you, it is!

Often, our fear of not being liked holds us back from embracing our true selves in Christ. Consider whether you are ready to break free from this constraint and live authentically. I want to encourage you to say YES!


These questions are not meant to be answered lightly, but rather to spark a contemplative journey within. If you find that these questions resonate with you, I want to extend an invitation to join my small group.

In this supportive community, you will gain tools to reframe your perspectives, break free from limitations, and chart a course towards a more empowered life.

This isn't just about resolutions; it's about a profound shift in mindset that will transcend the coming year and beyond.

You are a source of inspiration, and I believe that together, we can create a space for growth and transformation.

Are you ready to take the first step? Reply to this email, and let me know your answer to these questions. I especially want to know what you are NOT bringing into the new year. I will help you leave it behind AND gain tools to get your life back. Let's embark on this journey together.

If you want to join a small group, click here and sign up. Use coupon code stepmomsister for a special discount. I can't wait to work with you. We begin the third week of January! Secure your seat today because once they are filled, they are filled.

Wishing you a reflective and joyful end to the year!

Under His Wing,


ps look for some new announcements coming soon! I'm hard at work creating and delivering resources to meet you where you are. And remember, when you are in my small group, you receive FREE access to any new resources launched during that time period from Reframing Relationships. Another perk of being part of our group!
