Want to meet 28 Stepfamily Experts in one place?

Sep 05, 2024 8:09 pm

Dear Friend,

Struggling to find the right tools for your stepfamily situation? You’re not alone. Stepfamilies face unique challenges, and therefore, require unique solutions tailored exactly for their specific need.

I firmly believe, "you can't give a marriage book to a remarried couple for guidance and you can't give a stepmom a parenting manual to help her navigate. Remarried couples with kids need resources designed for them!"

Stepfamilies are complex, however, the solutions and finding them don't have to be.

That’s why you won’t want to miss The 2024 Ultimate Stepfamily Summit—a FREE 3-day virtual event designed specifically for stepfamilies. I’ll be joining 27 top experts to share practical strategies, tips, and advice to help you create a stronger, healthier stepfamily—one STEP at a time.


Ready to gain the support you need? Click here to join us!

Looking forward to seeing you there!

📅 Event Details:

  • Event: 2024 Stepfamily Summit
  • Date: September 11-13, 2024
  • Platform: Virtual (attend from anywhere!)
  • Cost: FREE!

🧠 My Topic: Emotional Flooding. I'll teach you how to navigate when your spouse (or anyone) emotionally floods.

During my session, I'll be diving into what happens to your spouse when you bring up certain topics like his kids, the ex and more.

We'll explore:

  • Understanding and managing emotions in complex family situations
  • What emotional flooding is and how to recognize the signs
  • How to avoid drowning in another's emotional flood
  • How to have tough conversations and get to resolution
  • Strategies for building the A.R.K (Anchor, Reflect, Know)

🌟 Why Attend?

This summit is a fantastic resource for:

  • Stepparents and biological parents in blended families
  • Family therapists and counselors
  • Anyone interested in the dynamics of modern families

You'll gain valuable insights, practical tips, and connect with a supportive community – all from the comfort of your home!

🔗 How to Join:

Don't miss out on this free opportunity! To register for the Stepfamily Summit and attend my session:

  1. Visit: Register for FREE here
  2. Fill out the quick registration form
  3. Mark your calendar and get ready for an enriching experience!

I'm looking forward to sharing insights and strategies that can make a real difference in your family life. If you know anyone else who might benefit from this event, please feel free to forward this email to them.

See you at the summit!

Warm regards,

Heather Hetchler, MA

P.S. Have any questions about the event or my session? Feel free to reply to this email – I'd love to hear from you!
