🌟A letter to the future YOU 🌟

Jan 04, 2024 12:36 pm

This morning, I woke up grateful for where I am today and where my marriage is. I didn't wake up with everything coming together. This place of peace and emotional freedom comes with a lot of self-reflection, work, letting go of unhealthy thinking patterns and embracing new communication tools and emotional intelligent strategies.

It started with me making an intentional choice to stop chasing others trying to make life the way I thought it should be and begin living from a place of authentic love of myself in Christ.

I want the same for you. In my gratitude, I wrote this letter below for the woman who chooses in 2024 to invest in herself and make changes so she CAN and WILL be a woman living in emotional freedom when January 1, 2025 arrives in less than 365 days.

I want this change for you. I want to work with you and help you because you are worth it and I KNOW I can help you. Regardless of whether you choose to work with me or not, please make this the year - YOU choose YOU (in Christ)!


Imagine yourself opening the letter below on January 1, 2025. This CAN be YOU!


Dear Future YOU in 2025,

As I pen this letter to you, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the journey we've undertaken together. Thank you for being brave enough to prioritize your needs, set boundaries, and embark on the beautiful path of self-discovery through Christ.

In 2025, I want to acknowledge the incredible strides you've made in your marriage. It's heartening to see how you've learned not to assume intent but, instead, foster healthy conversations with your spouse. Your commitment to open communication has been the cornerstone of a strong and resilient partnership.

For the first time in ages, you've embraced a sense of emotional peace, and your marriage radiates strength. This transformation didn't happen overnight. It's a testament to the girl who wrote this letterβ€”YOU.

You invested in yourself, discarded old patterns of thinking, and embraced the powerful art of reframing.

Reclaiming your life wasn't just a goal; it became a fabulous reality. The decision to let go of the past, nurture your well-being, and cultivate a thriving marriage has brought you to this moment of serenity.

As we step into 2025, I want you to carry forward this spirit of self-love through Christ, healthy communication, and the wisdom of reframing. You've paved the way for a future full of joy, connection, and continued growth.

Here's to the fabulous journey that lies ahead!

With love and blessings,


Your Reframing Coach & Transformation Partner


Friend, if you are ready to live this truth out in 2025, it's time to start today. There is still time to join The Art of Reframing for Stepmoms small group and use the code stepmomsister for discount. Join us to shed old ways of thinking, understand that the complexities you navigate are inherent in your family dynamics NOT caused by you (therefore you don't own them - stop letting them own you) and gain real strategies and tools to embrace who you are in Christ and live in emotional freedom.

If you have questions or comments, please respond to me via this email and I will get back to you.

Join today. Once the small groups are filled - they are filled. I would love to walk alongside you and the other women in the small group.

Blessings, Heather
