"Emotional flooding" can be overwhelming- are you ready to dive in? ❤️

Mar 29, 2024 2:58 pm

Blessed Good Friday my Reframing Community!

As Easter weekend is upon us, I can't help but feel overwhelming gratitude for each and everyone of you. I'm so grateful to God that He wastes no tear and His promises are ones we can always count on.

The work I do here, is because of the work He has done in me.

He taught me how to reframe before I even knew the term. Reframing difficult people, situations, my cancer journey and more..... He is always there. For YOU and for me.

As I continue to build more resources to help you reframe those difficult situations in your life and experience peace, I want you to feel cared about, connected and know you have found a safe community where rest in the resurrected One is possible.

I want to help you to go from feeling overwhelmed emotionally to experiencing overwhelming JOY! It is possible.

Here I am, wanting to share with you a recap of our week here at Reframing Relationships and let you know the things to come 😍

But before we get there: I'm giving a big shout out to my latest The Art of Reframing Small Group for finishing strong and putting their learnings into practice and experiencing peace!

Big Things This Week:

Group Coaching with Heather: This week we wrapped up our latest small group with live coaching AND did a live group coaching call with our larger Reframing Community. If you didn't join live, be sure to watch the replays. If you are interested in joining and experiencing this safe and secure and uplifting community - click >>Here>> to get on the wait list for the next small group.

Upcoming Events Not to Be Missed:

What I Tell Myself When Life Feels Hard (Reframe Instagram LIVE 4/4 at 12:30pm EST): Here's some truth from the trenches: you can't control anyone but you. That is bad news and good news, right? It's tough when you want good things for another and your family and you can see so clearly but feel powerless. Good news, you can control YOU and how you respond and how you allow it to impact you - that is what I am going to work on with YOU! Join Heather for this short reframing moment where she shares what she's learned about how to "smile and wave" when the waves are crashing (again and again). Be sure to follow me on Instagram for this LIVE >>HERE<<.

What is Emotional Flooding and How to Navigate (FREE Live online Workshop: 4/9 at 12PM EST) Have you ever wondered why certain topics turn into emotional storms with your spouse? Or perhaps you find yourself overwhelmed, struggling to process emotions in a healthy way? You're not alone.

You are invited to join me for a life-changing online workshop on Emotional Flooding, where we'll explore:

🔍 What Emotional Flooding is and its impact on relationships

🤔 Understanding triggers and reactions

💡 Strategies for navigating emotional flooding, whether you're experiencing it or supporting someone who is

Don't miss out on this opportunity to gain valuable insights and tools to navigate through emotional floods with grace and resilience. If you struggle with communication going south with your spouse, you don't want to miss this! Register now! RSVP >>HERE<<. Seats are limited so be sure to sign up!

If you feel like you walk on eggshells around anyone on certain topics, you may be getting swept up in another's emotional flood. I want to encourage you to come learn, connect and gain tools for relief!

I am out of the office Friday, March 29 - Monday, April 1 for Easter weekend - I look forward to serving you when we’re back on Tuesday, April 2!

As always, please respond to this email with any questions or comments. I am here to serve you!



Want to jump into more help? Here are just a few of the ways I can help you:

Grab this MUST HAVE micro course - How to Sit With Your Feelings: https://reframingrelationships.com/microcourse

Grab 10 Habits of Emotionally Healthy Stepmoms: https://reframingrelationships.com/store-copy this online course is your go-to for identifying and developing healthy habits
