I Dare you to Quit 🌟 Embracing Empowerment: Let's Redefine "Quit" 🌟

Jan 12, 2024 6:09 pm

Hello Stepmom Sister, πŸ’–

On this National Quitter's Day, let's flip the script on quitting. Instead of dwelling on the negative, let's consider the power of quitting certain patterns that no longer serve us in our stepmom journey. πŸš€

Personally, when I began reframing through Christ and quit chasing people who weren't capable or cared to see me in truth, I experienced peace. I quit ruminating and I got my head and heart back. Quitting certain behaviors has been life changing and I'm on a mission to help other stepmoms do the same. It was in the quitting that I began to feel a restoration of self and a deeper intimacy in my marriage. The power of reframing is far reaching.....

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Instead of looking at quitting in a negative light, let's reframe quitting:

πŸ›‘ Quit Chasing Validation:

Stop seeking external validation to affirm your worth. You are inherently valuable, and your role as a stepmom is uniquely yours. Embrace your strengths and let go of the need for constant approval. 🌈

πŸ” Quit Filling Unfillable Gaps:

You didn't create the void in your stepkid's heart, and it's not your responsibility to fill it. Release the pressure to be the perfect solution. Offer love, support, and understanding. Remember your level of prayer and faith do NOT dictate your family's success. Keep praying and seeking God but do NOT carry that burden πŸ’•

🌸 Quit Overextending, Start Empowering:

It's okay to set boundaries. Quit overextending yourself to the point of exhaustion. Instead, redirect that energy towards empowering yourself and fostering a healthy, balanced family dynamic. 🌺

πŸ’ͺ Quit Doubting, Start Thriving:

Let go of self-doubt. Quit questioning your capabilities and embrace the incredible strength you bring to your stepfamily. You're not just surviving; you're thriving in a challenging role. Own it! 🌟

πŸ‘‘ Quit Comparisons, Celebrate Uniqueness:

Every stepmom journey is unique. Quit comparing yourself to others and celebrate your individual strengths. Embrace the diversity within stepfamilies, recognizing that there's no one-size-fits-all approach. 🌈

Let's redefine quitting as an empowering act of letting go of what hinders our growth and embracing what propels us forward. If you are ready to stop considering quitting your family or resolving to being miserable and START quitting giving your emotional well-being to others, I'm inviting you to join us in the next Art of Reframing Small Group. Use code: stepmomsister for a discount for being part of our community

Looking for a course to discover and develop healthy habits or a book to help you sit in your feelings and manage them so they don't manage you? I've got you covered. Click here.

Please respond to this email with any questions or comments. I love connecting with my stepmoms.

I quit ruminating years ago and I've never looked back. Here to help you too. Let's get started.



Reframing Expert & Certified Life Coach


Change your mindset. Change your life.
