5 Simple Tips To Enhance Your Breathwork Experience

Aug 20, 2024 3:59 pm

Hey ,

Since 2019, I've committed to practicing breathwork every single day, for at least 15 minutes. 

Most days, I end up doing about an hour of conscious breathing. 

This isn’t to brag or sound spiritually evolved—in fact, quite the opposite. 

Breathwork has been my lifeline, helping me navigate and balance my own mental health challenges.

After over 2,000 sessions, I’ve picked up a few tips that have really enhanced my breathwork experience, and I hope they can do the same for you.

1. Do It First Thing in the Morning ☀️

Start your day with breathwork right when you wake up. This is the easiest way to ensure you fit it into your busy schedule, and it’s also an effective way to shake off that morning grogginess. I start groggy and end feeling ready to take on the day. Don’t put it off—wake up, use the restroom, and get back on your back to start breathing!

2. Use Peppermint Oil (If You’re Not Allergic) 👃

Peppermint oil is a great way to open up your airways and make the experience more pleasant. Just a drop or two can enhance the freshness of your breathwork session.

3. Try Different Sessions 📱

While I still enjoy silent sessions, variety keeps things interesting. Whether you explore free YouTube sessions or subscribe to an app like Othership, there are thousands of breathwork sessions to try. I make it a point not to get stuck doing the same routine every time.

4. Use a Pillow or Bolster Under Your Knees  🛏️

When lying down, place a pillow or bolster under your knees. This helps open up the pelvis, allowing up to 20% more airflow to come in. It’s a small adjustment that makes a big difference!

5. Journal Your Insights 📝

Take 5-10 minutes after your session to jot down any insights in a dedicated breathwork journal. Breathwork is known for opening up the creative centers in our brain, and if you’re receptive, those creative insights will flow. Trust me, it’s worth capturing them!

I hope these tips help you enhance your breathwork practice. Whether you're new to breathwork or a seasoned practitioner, there's always something new to discover.

Breathe On,

-Brock Cannon


P.S. Speaking of breathwork apps, did you see that we're giving away a FREE 1 year subscription to Othership? ($165 value!)

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P.P.S. Want to enjoy free live breathwork events with community?

Join Kensho as a member.
