3 Quick Sunday Thoughts đź’ˇ

Aug 25, 2024 3:16 pm

On Sundays I like to reflect on the past week and share some thoughts that have been on my mind. 

People seem to always enjoy these. 

Take what serves you, discard the rest. 

1-Admitting you need sleep and rest is NOT a sign of weakness. Often in our “hustle” culture, we seem to think that saying things like “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” is some kind of a badge of honor. 

While I can respect and acknowledge that there are times where we might rally for certain important deadlines and occasions (and fuel up with massive caffeine intakes), the reality is we need sleep. 

Sleep is everything. Get more of it. 

2-I believe there’s a direct correlation to our personal happiness and the time that we spend immersed in nature.  (Check out the pic below from my own weekly nature adventures)

Depressed? Anxious? Worried? 

Allow yourself to get out in nature for a hike, a walk, to watch the birds, to run, to cycle, or to just get sunlight and watch how your body naturally returns to its natural state of joy. 

That’s why Shannon and I are so passionate about leading retreats. 

It’s a chance for people to have major breakthroughs in life as a result of getting out of their normal day-to-day life. New adventures, new experiences = huge ah-ha moments. 

3-When we’re  forced to only a few options (aka known as Constraint Theory) we expend our time, attention, and energy more wisely and more resourcefully. 

-If you could only do 3 productive things during a work day, what would those actions be?

-If you could only eat 1 thing today to advance your health, what would it be? 

-If you could only spend 1 hour with the people you loved today, how would you spend that time? 

Employing constraint is a way to cut through the fat and the wasted time, and to get to the heart of matters. 

Which reminds me of one of my favorite Counting Crows songs of all time. 

Listen here. 

I hope these spark some thought, some inspiration, and some joy. 

Thank you for reading my messages. I don’t take it for granted and I appreciate you. 🙏

-Brock Cannon

P.S. I just read (actually listened to) a great book called “What’s In It For Them” by Joe Polish. 

If you’re looking for your next really awesome book, I highly recommend it. 

P.P.S. There’s just a few spots left for our Fall Adventure Retreat in Jackson Hole, WY. 

Grab a spot here. 
