20 Practices I Do To Feel Better When Bummed

Aug 15, 2024 4:31 pm

It’s not uncommon in our super fast paced world to neglect our own mental health. 

I know firsthand that sometimes that despair creeps up on us. 

We go so results focused. 

We try to control everything. 

We hustle harder and think that our effort will fill the void inside. 

But more often than not, the answers lie in taking a step back instead of putting our foot on the throttle. 

I wanted to share with you my own personal list of practices and things that I do that help me come out of a negative slump. 

They don’t always work 100%, but more often than not, they at least provide some momentum to get me back into a balanced and happy state. 

Take what serves you, let go of the rest. 

20 Practices and Things That Help Me Come Out of Negative Vibes: 🌟

-Creating a “My Feel Good Songs” playlist and putting it on when I start to feel low. 🎶

-Drinking a big glass of water with lemon (so often we aren’t hydrated)

-Doing even just 10 minutes of a guided breathwork session. I love this free one here. 

-Taking a walk without my phone and just paying attention to what’s around

-Sending 5 texts or audio messages to 5 different people in my life to just let them know that I appreciate them. (This is one of the fastest ways to shift my state I’ve found)

-Doing a meditation for 15-20 minutes

-Taking a power nap. I’ve done this binaural beat power nap for years. It’s incredible. Try it here. 

-Taking a cold plunge (duh! One of the best super fast ways to boost dopamine!)

-Journaling and just dumping whatever is on my mind onto the page

-Hugging someone. 

-Get out for a hike ⛰️

-Listening to an educational audio book

-Playing music

-Playing with a pet

-Looking at photos of really good memories and feeling gratitude while I look at them

-Doing some act of service for someone else, even if it’s small 

-Journaling about the future life that would be the life of your dreams 

-Go for a scenic drive

-Exercise! I love exercise such as cycling, trail running, and hiking out in nature as I feel it's mood enhancement effects even more so than indoors

-Get in sunlight ☀️

I could go on, but those are my top 20. 🎉

If these serve you, try them out and see how you feel. 

Nothing is a 100% magic bullet 100% of the time, but they are all tools that have helped me get out of a crappy mood plenty of times. 

Also, I’d add that it’s OK to sit in it sometimes to feel through it, but I don’t believe in staying there long term. 

I hope that if you found these valuable, you’ll share this list with someone else, or forward it along. 

Here’s to happy mental health, 😀


P.S. What are some of yours? 
