The Woo-Woo is Out, The Science is In

Aug 10, 2024 3:37 pm

The woo-woo is out and the science is in .

Breathwork and deliberate cold exposure works. (cold plunge)

Yesterday was really cool. 

I received 2 interesting emails yesterday. 

I had a mental health facility reach out to me to report that several of their patients who have been cold plunging regularly (with some very severe mental health disorders) are showing tremendous progress and even showing signs of improved mental cognition. 

Later in the day, I had one of the top hospitals in the country reach out to me asking for guidance to implement a breathwork program to help reduce anxiety in patients. 

It’s amazing. 

A revival of some of the most ancient modalities proving to be a powerful method to wellness in our modern society. 

Breathe daily. 

Dip in the cold water. 

Get natural sunlight and connect to the Earth. 


Laugh more. 

And remember not to take life so damn seriously. 

After all, we’re all just spinning around on a tiny planet in a huge galaxy being generously warmed and kept alive by a star (our Sun). 

Have a wonderful Saturday, 

-Brock Cannon

Kensho Co-Founder

P.S. Did you see my email yesterday? 

If not, we’re doing a really cool 48 hour sale where you can scoop up our group experience at Kensho for just ½ price. 

It’s a killer deal, grab it here. 

P.P.S. As of today, we’ve switched to a new email provider because our last provider was not effectively unsubscribing people. 

Our sincere apologies for that if you unsubbed and then kept getting our emails. It wasn’t intentional. :(

We really try to spread love, positive vibes, and things that will brighten your day but should still want to unsub, don’t hesitate to do so below. 
