DIY a Reusable Monster Worksheet

Jul 13, 2020 10:41 pm


Hello, writers!

It’s been a weird week. I got badly “glutened” last Sunday night from an unknown source and only started to really feel like myself again on Saturday. That plus some massive storms, power outages (planned and unplanned), lots of extra sleeping, and I’ve had a very strange week indeed. 

Sometimes you just have to slow down and take a break. It gave me time to think about how long I’d sustained my productive streak up to that point. Several months on end, in various capacities. Logically, nothing can be sustained forever. So I’m going to try to schedule more breaks for myself on purpose. 

I did get to something productive this week, though! The result is today’s blog post.

When I sent out a survey earlier this year about what content you folks wanted to see more of from me someone commented that they’d like a reusable Monster Worksheet. I’ve been noodling on that for the last few months and finally have a workable solution.


As mentioned in the post, if you need a custom-size printable of the Worksheet (or the Chart, or anything else) just email me and we’ll work something out. 

I hope you’re taking care of yourselves, and not because you’ve been forced to by food poisoning.

(Speaking of, I’m finally feeling up to cooking again and tonight I made this wonderful fish in lemon garlic sauce. It calls for cod but I used hake, and it would work for any mild white fish.)

Be well!




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