Baseless Fears

Jun 13, 2023 12:04 pm

Do you know, one of the most prominent reasons found through various types of research about the human mind concludes "fear" baseless fears as emotions, responsible for keeping us edgy, procrastinating, and being indecisive?

The base root of all our excuses lies in the deep limbic system of our mind, which holds all emotions, including our baseless fears, that continue to drive our thoughts, ideas, and even decisions.

Due to it being hidden in the deep recess of our minds, most of us seldom pay attention to the root cause.

  So, if you are delaying a decision on your relationship, find it difficult to say yes to the next role being offered, or find yourself in an awkward position to say "no", remember the emotion of fear is what is playing underneath, it can be in a garb of a reason, consequence, event or even a person.

Understanding our emotions of fears, as silly, baseless, or intense as they may be, is our first step to clarity not only in a difficult situation you find yourself in but even for a distant future decision you should plan.

 Here's a story of my baseless fears, with 3 specific journal prompts given at the end of the blog post, which you can use and try to arrive at the root cause of your fears.

Read the blog post here

You may bookmark this email and come back to it when you feel the need to confront your fears :)

Have a productive week ahead.


Mehnaz Amjad 

