What is fear ?

Feb 06, 2024 9:39 am

We all have some kind of vague fears that often crop up at unusual times, making us either overthink or simply get fearful.

Fear is a feeling we experience from the meaning we attached to a particular event or series of events, and usually, it resides in our subconscious mind, beneath our awareness, only waiting for a trigger to surface, and I am no different.

As an HSP, a highly sensitive person, and an introverted child, I did hold a deep, rich inner world with its share of dreams and fears.

Some of my fears are part of transgenerational trauma (trauma inherited from my ancestors via genes)


It took a while for me to realize that I may not have inherited as much of the materialistic possessions, but in abundance, a treasure trove of traumas (t3) running in my nervous system in the form of fear, phobias and limited beliefs, bottled emotions, unfulfilled needs, and painful experiences of both of my ancestors from maternal and paternal sides, including my parents.

During my healing journey of understanding and processing these traumatic experiences, one good thing that happened was the immense clarity I gained about some of the recurring surreal experiences I had been through in my present life, especially during my trips to palaces and places of the bygone era.

I have written briefly about it in my bio; more on this later.

Today, I bring to you a slice of my life, on the fears I experienced and the impact they left.

Here is the link to this video titled "My story of about being afraid of success."


(This is an image, click here to watch it)

I look forward to being your support if you intend to embark with me on a healing journey from your trauma.

Click here to take this conversation ahead.

Thank you for your time and attention.

Warm Regards,

Mehnaz Amjad
