Will be back soon

May 18, 2021 2:48 pm

Hello Everyone ,

I hope and pray my email finds you all in best of everything .

This brief note is written with an intent to let you all know, that I shall resume work in some time.

I'm not on any vacation or break,but due to demise of my father on 12th May 2021, I need some time for myself and my family to get back to work and serve you .

As a Coach I cannot deliver value , at times when I myself going through a vulnerable emotional state of mind and grief.

My father Mohammed Amjad Hussain ,did not die of COVID , but was chronic heart patient and past 29 days fell extremely ill with many co morbidities including psychological issues.

I 'm equally thankful to Almighty who gave me not only an opportunity to serve in the capacity of a caregiver to my father but was also his Coach for several years , helping him cope with the many tragedies and adversities life tested him with.

In the meantime if you have any queries or need anything on an urgent basis ,you can reply back to me via email at mehnazamjad@guideadvice.org.

Appreciate your consideration in my difficult time phase .

Best Regards,

Mehnaz Amjad

+91 9849500557
