Life and its no so pleasant surprises

Jun 23, 2022 12:45 pm

Join me and watch the story of John from my coaching world.

While I was creating this series, what resonated deeply with me was the issue , even though its' been 3 years ,when I was coaching John .

The story of John ,took me back to a similar situation I was in, many moons ago in my profession.

At that time, I was in a situation to arrive at a hard decision, but instead of making a decision, I choose to continue to suffer, can you imagine choosing to suffer rather than find a solution , yes, I did that and you will more surprised to learn ,97% of us do it , most of us are like me will choose suffering to solutions .

I was like this, I never sought help because.

I always believed , seeking help is a sign of being weak and needy ,and why should I ,as long it stays with me ,I can manage it ,handle it .

BUT in reality underneath it was "I need to control it".

My Coach ,was the one who brought this unaware self of me to me , and by the time I realized it ,I was shocked ,I never believed ,I could be such a control freak at subconscious level ,without being even aware of it.

That was my Pivotal Moment !

Friends , life is full of such no so pleasant surprises , especially the one's we hide deep inside us from me to me :)

Awareness is an understatement and a key detriment of most of our life's failure, let's choose solutions over suffering ,and gift ourselves ,what our lives truly deserves.

To ,watch John's story from my Pivotal Moments

Click Here!
