Coaching fee

Mar 13, 2021 2:54 pm

After 3 years of establishing Guide&Advice , and Coaching variety of individuals from all walks of life both in India and abroad.

One constant challenge for me always have been around the pricing ,regardless of what the trend is , I believe in delivering value ,but with excellence and quality .

An ardent follower of Edward Deming ,also known as father of quality, who gave the world concepts of "Kaizen" , I today successfully launch my price ,for the time to come .

I do not think, a high price tag demonstrate my abilities or worth , because the results coaching produce are way beyond any price or cost.

Assisting an individual live a life of their dreams , help them not just plan but live meaningful life and relations , overcome hardships ,challenges of Life ,helping people find clarity or direction in life are few examples of what Coaching can do for you.

It is not easy ,this is one profession which need your soul in it ,but when we follow our heart ,and with sincere intentions everything turns easy and for good.

This is directly on my website for anyone to view.

Have a look

To your success!

 Mehnaz Amjad
