Get clear on what you want

Sep 14, 2023 9:59 am

When we go through a difficult time or a challenging situation, a very common response to the situation is to find some clarity and to do so, we may resort to the following common tactics :

  • Talk to oneself, through introspection, and reflection
  • If we are lucky enough, we call our best friend or someone with whom we can comfortably share our thoughts and feelings
  • Try to take a break from work, by watching a movie, reading a book, or visiting someplace outside for a change
  • Indulge in our wired habits like smoking, alcohol, ice creams, sweets, or junk food that temporarily fill in the void we feel inside

Most of these attempts, are to give our stressed minds a break so that we regain some clarity and approach it with freshness.

While all this may give you temporary relief, the problem immediately resurfaces after the temporary phase dies down, and then we are back to where we started

This is precisely also the reason why most of us have never been able to find a way out of our issues, and instead remain entangled in a loop forever.

So, If you really do not want temporary relief, but possible solutions to find your way out, you need to break the cycle, and to do so, you need to learn to take a step back and think.

This is something one needs to learn.

This very act of taking a step back in our own mind, and looking at it without bias and from a different dimension, can help us find a breakthrough and in most cases a possible solution to our problem.

Here's the link to something I personally recommended and have learned and applied in my life and found solutions, I never thought were possible.

Happy Learning,

Thank you for your time and attention.

Mehnaz Amjad
