A technique from a leading expert _BJ Fogg

Oct 19, 2022 9:44 am

Today, I would like to share with you something, I learned from my coach, a long time ago, but recently had a revision of it, and using this technique was able to resolve an issue, I was stuck in for months.

This technique is originally designed by BJ Fogg, the author of the best-seller "Tiny Habits".

So, if you, just like me, find yourself, constantly trying to achieve some kind of a routine or discipline, or build a simple habit, but not being able to despite the best routine and discipline applied.

Try this method, made simple in 3 steps

Step 1; Identify a Habit you want to develop, for a long time, but are not been able to for some reason.

Step 2; Create a starter step for the Habit identified (to divide the habit into smaller parts) refer to the example given below.

Step 3; Scale Back, to make the (starter step) more small, as tiny as possible.

That's it.

Get into action and practice it every day, it may sound funny or seems too trivial to be even tried, but neuroscience back this up and has proved to be the most effective way of wiring our mind and developing healthy habits.

