What are you putting up with ? a course as a first step to your awareness

Oct 17, 2023 8:32 am

The past few days have been very tough for most of us, from the climate crisis to the ongoing Ukraine-Russia War and Israel-Palestine conflict, it seems the whole world is enveloped in chaos.

This is at a macro level.

Back home, besides the inner demons, we also have our respective conflicts to fight sometimes at the workspace with difficult bosses, toxic culture,& demanding clients,

and at home with our nosy cousins, judgmental relatives, unreasonable parents, stubborn partners, and not-so-obedient children.

This is at a micro level.

No matter what the level is, if we continue to feed our minds with so much chaos, we may eventually open up ourselves to an unhealthy mind paving the way for mental health issues.

Remember, it all begins at the micro level.

So, what can we do about it?


there isn't a lot in our control, however, we can still at our own individual level, work on increasing our self-awareness, so that we do not end up with mental health issues.

This workshop I have designed to help you do so

Click > here and learn.

The intent is to create awareness because diagnosis is the first step in any kind of healing or finding a way out of the chaos.

Thank you for your attention and time.

Best regards,

Mehnaz Amjad
