the foot bone's connected to the...pelvis?!

Sep 30, 2024 6:17 pm

Hey friends!

Happy end of September! We're in the middle of a series about the little things you can do from home for common conditions, and our next one will be on the following pain conditions: Vulvodynia, Vaginismus, Vestibulodynia, and Dyspareunia...but I'm emailing today because I traveled to Berkley, CA last weekend and completed The Foot Collective Guide Training and am newly inspired!


Here's a picture of the crew! It was incredible to be surrounded by so many like-minded professionals who take foot health seriously, but aren't afraid to take life less seriously and play the whole day. We worked on hacky sack activities, balance sequences on the Solemate, and lots of rolling and crawling patterns. We talked about how to move from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset, and lots of theory on behavior change, why we are so sick and sedentary as people and what we can do about it!

I loved every minute, and feel like my mind is full of amazing information that I can't wait to share with all of you! There's so much we can do to take responsibility for our own health- especially when it comes to foot and pelvic floor health. You don't need any fancy equipment to get stronger feet or a stronger pelvic floor.

All this excitement and new knowledge is overflowing so I thought it made sense to invite you to a live virtual workshop that I'm doing next Saturday, October 12th at 10am AK time, 2pm Eastern time. It will be a Zoom (yes I will record it!) and we'll be chatting all about how to improve common foot conditions, and how strong feet can then help improve pelvic floor conditions! It's going to be a fun time! You can expect some learning as well as some movement practice and a Q&A at the end. You'll go home with (or stay home since it's zoom?) practical and simple exercises that WILL help you.

You can sign up here: The foot and pelvic floor connection: $35

Next week we'll be back to the regularly scheduled emails, talking about all those complicated words that describe different types of pelvic pain. 💁🏼‍♀️

Until then, keep moving and don't forget to play today. Hope to see you at the live session!


