a gift for you 🎁

Dec 08, 2023 11:37 pm

Happy Friday, friends!! We just got some fresh snow, and it's helping brighten up the days around here. I'll take what I can get when we have just 5.5 hours of daylight right now.

As we're nearing the holidays, the busyness this time of year tends to ramp up. I thought I would do something fun and mindful to help calm all our nervous systems as the end of the year is oftentimes filled with anxiety and rushing.


First, here are five simple tips for regulating that you can do right now:

  1. 10 diaphragmatic breaths: inhale slowly through your nose for 4 seconds, expanding through the ribcage, belly, and pelvic floor. Exhale through rounded/pursed lips for 8 seconds, letting your shoulders and jaw relax
  2. Take a walk in nature without your phone. 5-10 minutes is all you'll need.
  3. Put on noise cancelling headphones and listen to nothing for as long as you need.
  4. Body scan: close your eyes and see if you can consciously release all the tightness from your muscles, from head to toes and back again.
  5. Drink something hot or something ice cold. This can help you slow down and enjoy a special beverage, and it also stimulates the vagus nerve, helping you to calm down.

Tell me if you try any or all of those!

If you feel like you need more mindfulness in your life right now, I'm doing something special...offering a 15% discount on my online course through the end of December. Christmas gift for yourself, anyone?? You can use the code GIFT at moveinminutes.com 🎄

(The 15% discount applies to the first payment if you choose a payment plan.)

Keeping today's email short because I don't want to add to the overwhelm of the season. 💛

Have a beautiful weekend!


