have a pain in the booty?

Aug 17, 2024 7:30 pm

Hi all! Welcome to the first email of this new series about the little things you can do for common issues at home. Know that some of the links I will share in these emails are affiliate links, and if you choose to purchase any products through them, at no additional cost to you, I'll receive a commission. Thank you for supporting my business this way!

Today we're talking about hemorrhoids. Come sit down and let's chat. "Actually Natalie, I can't sit anywhere. I have hemorrhoids." My millennial friends who were on Vine will understand. 🤣


You've probably realized by now that nothing is really TMI in my world, and too many people suffer in silence. So let's talk about it.

First, what are hemorrhoids??

Hemorrhoids are veins in the lower rectum and around the anus that have become distended, essentially like a varicose vein in your booty.

You can have internal hemorrhoids that are inside the lower part of the rectum, and with these you might not have pain, but have bright red bleeding with bowel movements.

You can also have external hemorrhoids, which is where you could see the veins protruding from the outside. Sometimes a blood clot will form and this would produce an external lump around the anus. Often the clot will dissolve and leave the overlying skin in a similar lumpy position. (Are you still reading? Thank you.) These are much more painful, and can also bleed. Common symptoms are itching, pain, and general discomfort with pooping, sitting, etc.

Why do they happen?

There are quite a few factors that impact hemorrhoid development, but a few common ones are straining while pooping, sitting too long on the toilet, pregnancy (increased blood flow and pressure from the baby & uterus on the pelvic floor), obesity, and connective tissue laxity (which causes the walls of the veins to be less firm and supportive).

What can we do about them from home??

Of course always please chat with your provider if you're having bleeding or other symptoms, and know that this list is not medical advice. :)

  • Prop those feet: since we know that straining while pooping is a major factor, let's avoid straining! Get yourself a squatty potty or just prop those feet up while you're on the toilet so that your knees are higher than your hips. You all know I travel with my foldable squatty potty, right? Every single trip. This helps the internal muscles of your pelvic floor relax and also "straighten" the shoot, so that evacuating stool doesn't have to be so laborious. If you've had chronic constipation for a good portion of your life, you probably are well aware of the benefits of the squatty potty, and are at higher risk of developing hemorrhoids.

  • Stop stalling: sitting on the toilet longer than 10 minutes is a big no-no. If you've been there scrolling through TikTok and have seen at least three videos, it's time to poop or get off the pot. 😉 Sitting so long on a toilet can put more pressure down on your pelvic floor, which isn't ideal for a host of issues, but since we're specifically talking hemorrhoids today, it's definitely not ideal for them, as sitting on a toilet seat restricts blood flow, and we want to keep unnecessary pressure away from all the holes. You get me?

  • Soothe with natural remedy balm: with hemorrhoids comes itching, pain, and inflammation. If you've had hemorrhoids in the past, you've heard of the common over the counter greasy pastes and creams that aim to numb the area and generally have a vasoconstrictive medication in them. And I know many of you prefer products that are cleaner and don't have petroleum products in them - especially for such sensitive areas! Enter Anything Butt hemp butter. I'm not joking when I say this stuff is magic. With ingredients like golden hempseed oil/CBD, ginger, arnica, vitamin E, and aloe, this balm not only smells pleasant, but actually works with your body. I have personally tried Anything Butt, and felt it works with literally one application- naturally reducing inflammation and protecting that overlaying skin that gets so itchy and sometimes can break down. (It also works on other skin, vaginally, eczema, or bug bites!) You can use the code TRAINERNATALIE to get 10% off also! If I were to suggest a basket of products for a new mom, this would be in there.


  • Sitz baths: a warm bath designed just for your booty can also help with relaxing your muscles. Chronic constipation, pain because of hemorrhoids, and straining when pooping all lead to extra tight pelvic floor muscles. And this in turn, can cause more pain, and lead to more significant symptoms, because you're pushing against a constricted and tensioned hole...which adds more pressure to those veins that are already struggling! You know the saying that someone is "anal retentive".....this is literal. Fill the bathub with some warm water, and you can add herbs specifically for sitz baths or just some plain magnesium flakes. Sit and take deep breaths, focusing on relaxing your whole body.

  • Improving your diet: addressing constipation from a nutrition perspective is a great way to go about getting things moving. Making sure you're well hydrated (salt helps water go into the cells, so include electrolytes), eating enough fiber, and getting enough healthy fats (butter, coconut oil, tallow, ghee, avocado oil, etc.) to help things glide right along can help tremendously!

  • Move your body: did you think that I could write an email without mentioning exercise and movement? Not today! Regular walking, exercises, and natural movement helps physically massage your guts - getting them into gear and helping avoiding constipation and straining from a mechanical perspective. This point should also include diaphragmatically breathing, and not constantly holding your belly in! This can cause stagnation in your digestion. So let it go, and start breathing deeper.

Hopefully one or multiple of those options resonated with you! Pooping well and improving hemorrhoids or preventing them in the first place is so worthwhile! If you're seeking further treatment options, this article explains medical treatment options really well. I really hope you don't have to go through the pain of these procedures, but if you do - know that all these home treatments will just bolster your journey before and after those surgical options.

Wishing you a happy and healthy booty.


