listen to me interview my surgeon

Feb 01, 2023 5:56 pm

Read time: 1 minute

Happy Tues....I mean Wednesday, friends! I hope you didn't get too sad yesterday. I'm here today! Happy February!!

Here are the things I would love for you to know this week:


  1. For episode 26 of The Resource Doula podcast, I interviewed my endometriosis surgeon, and he even pulled up my surgical video to explain the anatomy and how endo can look! Watch it on youtube here, or listen here!
  2. The Yoga Shack Classes kick off THIS Saturday! So if you haven't signed up yet, be sure to do that here. Prenatal core / pelvic floor basics is this week!
  3. Do you work with women and want to learn more about pelvic floor, prolapse, incontinence, pelvic pain, and diastasis? Kim Vopni (aka The Vagina Coach) and I are co-teaching the Pre/Postnatal Exercise Specialist Certification May 20-21 in Wasilla at Innergy!! I'm way excited. If you have been around here for a while, you know that I first started on this career path largely in part because of Kim! She's been an amazing mentor over the years, and I'm thrilled to be teaching with her in AK. Be sure to sign up now, so you can take your time on the online portion prior to the live in-person practical days! More information coming soon on this - reply and let me know any questions you have. Here's a photo from when Julia came up and we did the certification in Anchorage in 2019!


As always, thanks so much for reading, giving me feedback, and referring friends to this newsletter. Remember you can win prizes by just sending your unique link to your friends. Check it out at the bottom of this email. See you next week!


