[reko.day] reko.day is about farmers 🌽🌻

Mar 15, 2024 2:10 pm

Happy Friday!

Back in January I attended the North American Honeybee Expo in Kentucky. I'm a beekeeper, and this was my first time going to a convention.

On the vendor floor, people were buying everything from all-natural beeswax lip balms to industrial honey processing equipment for six figures. Once I had finished my own shopping, I went to every booth that sold honey or beeswax-based products.

I asked them about their business, why they traveled to the expo, what other places they travel to, and where most of their sales come from.

The answers were all the same across 10 or so booths. It didn't matter if they made candles or infused creamed honey, they all had the same story.

Each one figured out that farmer's markets and trade shows like this were the biggest money-makers. So much so that some of these folks keep a whole calendar of various shows all over the country and just travel, and that's how they do all of their sales.

When I asked about online sales or local sales, almost everyone's facial expression would change from a proud smile to one of disappointment.

Every one of them confessed that finding a way to sell locally or online had been a huge pain and struggle. They mentioned how much work and money it took to set up a website or how terrible it was trying to figure out how to deliver orders. They mentioned how they couldn't keep a steady amount of customers.

I talked to them about reko.day.

Their smiles returned, not the one of earlier pride but one of hope.

The promise of an app that let them quickly list their products and let the orders come in to convenient pickups that fit their schedule was welcome news.

Then they asked the question, "How much does it cost?"

"Nothing," was my answer., and their smiles got even bigger.

It was my turn to talk after this, and I shared what I hope to share with all of you. I want reko.day to be the best way for farmers to get their fruits, vegetables, and products into people's homes. There should be stronger thriving communities built around appreciating fresh local food and the folks who grow it.

If you're seeing this email, you can help make it happen:

  1. Download the app
  2. Create a reko (And get a free subscription)
  3. Tell people about the app!


