[reko.day] A Local Food Challenge 😎

Aug 04, 2023 1:53 pm

Happy Friday,

It can be pretty hard balancing quick, healthy, and delicious when it comes to food. At least, for me, it is. So if I bump into a recipe that strikes a balance, I'm in.

Now, let's add another layer and see what we can make with only high-quality local ingredients!

Here're two ideas to get you started. If you decide to make one of these, I want to know about it!

Eggs En Cocotte:

  • Grease two ramekins with unsalted butter
  • Crack an egg into each ramekin
  • Add salt, pepper, and fresh herbs of your choice (Chives would be my go-to)
  • Fill a skillet with 1/2" of water and place the ramekins in the water bath, cover, and place into an oven or heat to a gentle simmer on the stove.
  • Cook until your desired doneness, 4-5 minutes for a soft egg and 7 for a gummier one.
  • When the eggs are cooked, put a tablespoon of cream into each ramekin
  • Eat with buttered toast

So to make this pretty delicious breakfast with high-quality local ingredients, you'd need to find:

  • Eggs
  • Bread
  • Butter
  • Cream
  • Chives

Now, if that's not enough, here's a really interesting, if not obsessive, recipe you can follow up with to use up that bread for a Panzanella salad.

I added a challenge here to eat well and also to eat locally. Sadly that local part is still pretty difficult. You can get to the farmers markets this weekend, and if you know another local provider, you might be able to get more, but it'd be multiple trips.

That's what Reko Day is here to fix. Picking up all of the locally grown and made foods at one time all year round.

You can plan your meals, order your ingredients through the app, and go to the pick-up, and you're done!

Now, I'm going to wrap this up with a few notes about what I've been working on for the app. First and foremost, if you want to help me test it, reply back to this email, and I can get you a very early copy of the app. Your feedback will be what makes this app incredible. Second, I've been working on making sure payment through the app works really well. There are a lot of things that can go wrong that I want to make sure I'm taking care of.

One example that is a little tricky is making sure you can't order more than what is available. In Reko Day your cart updates several times throughout the checkout process including right as you click the payment button. This helps ensure nobody overorders anything.

That's all for today, if you have any questions, make eggs en cocotte, or want to test the app out before its available, let me know!


