FINAL CHANCE to submit your story in the InstaLove BookFunnel Collection!
Feb 21, 2022 5:44 pm
Welcome to InstaLove!
You are receiving this email as a courtesy because you signed up to participate in this collection via the sign up form on Facebook. Today is your last chance to upload your story and be included in this newsletter building collection. If you have already uploaded your story and sent in your sign up form response then you can disregard this email. If you haven't, then keep reading... :)
As you all know, this is a BookFunnel collection, which means there will be NO author royalties paid out. The newsletter subscribers will be delivered in a CSV file at the end of the set. We plan to run this promo from March 1 - May 31. The offer will expire on May 31st at midnight. I will export the subscribers and email you all the CSV file within 7-10 days of the expiration date. The extra few days are included to give late subscribers the time to opt-in, so we don't miss out on any of those precious email addresses.
Now, let's get down to business. There are a few things to cover before we get started.
First up, I am NOT setting up a Facebook group for this set for two reasons.
- I despise Facebook.
- I really despise Facebook
Second, Make sure you add me ( ) to your contact list so I don't end up in your SPAM filters, because all updates will be sent out via email.
Third, you will need to complete the contributor agreement ( CLICK HERE ). Do NOT edit the template file. Download a copy to your device, complete the fields and upload it to the shared Drive folder by using the PURPLE button below.
(You will need to sign in using a FREE Google account in order to access the Drive. If you try and open the links without signing in, it will deny your access. You may find this is easiest from a computer instead of a mobile device.)
Fourth, you will need to upload your FINAL FILES after you have FORMATTED them using the template. ( CLICK HERE ) Do NOT edit the template file. Download a copy to your device, replace the template text with your own, and then reupload to the Drive. You can upload your final formatted file to the shared Drive folder by using the GREEN button below.
Finally, the fifth thing we need to cover is expectations. I want to provide you all with NEW subscribers, to do that we all have to work together. Once we are in group promotions, I will send out an email with a list of links (including the landing page). Each of you will need to share the promotions and the direct link with your current audiences (newsletter, social media, etc.).
The more we share, the more we grow.
You can download the cover image here. If you create any marketing images, feel free to upload them here, so we can all use and share them with our audiences too.
Welcome to the collection and let's get started!
Happy writing,