Please confirm your subscription

Feb 01, 2024 7:58 am

Dear ,


We thank you for being part of our FREE newsletter listing and we value your membership.


However, we notice that your membership has been inactive because either you have not accessed our mailers for sometime or may have not confirmed your subscription (which is done by clicking the link mailed to you on entering your email id for subscription to newsletter).


As we keep evolving our Career services, I keep writing blogs and also developing E-Books, Checklists, and other FREE tools which will help you grow your career.


We would request you to kindly let us have your feedback on how you find our mailers or in case you need any kind of help in activating your account, please let us know. Our team will be happy to help.


P.S; In case we do not hear from your side regarding your interest in receiving our mailer latest by 5th Feb 24, we will assume that you would not want to be part of our mailing list your email id would be deleted. That is to maintain our database with only active members.

We request you to kindly confirm your subscription by clicking the link below:

Confirm Subscription!


We look forward to adding value to your career progress.




Sarabjeet Sachar, 

Seasoned Career Coach & Founder & CEO, Aspiration
