The "Dear 3L" series follows the inspiring journey of Jo "Your Favorite Professor" Pierre, a confident and dynamic law professor at Moseley Braun School of Law in East Tampa. As a Black woman of Haitian descent, Jo balances the demands of teaching Criminal Law and running the Criminal Litigation Clinic while navigating the complexities of single motherhood. Each book delves into the diverse experiences of her students, reflecting the rich cultural heritage and evolving landscape of East Tampa. Through mentorship, legal challenges, and personal growth, Jo and her students tackle issues of justice, resilience, and community, offering a compelling glimpse into the world of legal education and the transformative power of advocacy. The series highlights themes of diversity, equity, and inclusion, set against the backdrop of a historically significant and rapidly changing neighborhood.
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Welcome to Moseley Braun School of Law
In Book 1 of the #Dear#L series, I introduce Jo "Your Favorite Professor" Pierre, a dynamic and dedicated law professor at Moseley Braun School of Law. Jo navigates the first semester, establishing her online presence with her blog and video channel aimed at helping law students excel. She faces challenges in gaining respect from colleagues and students due to her youthful appearance and balancing her responsibilities as a single mother.
Sign up for your free gift today and get started on this 12 book series following Professor Pierre and her law students.