Why your goal matters.

Jun 27, 2021 11:01 pm

In my previous email I talked about the importance of habits and we began to think about your goal today we will be thinking about  WHY you want to achieve this goal?

Take some time to think about exactly WHY this goal matters to you.

What’s so important about it? What does achieving it MEAN to you? How will you feel once you've achieved your goal? How will it change your life?

Will reaching your goal change how you feel about yourself? Will it affect the energy you bring to your work or relationships? 

Will you feel more confident, healthier, stronger? Go deep on this one!

Writing this down will unlock powerful feelings that will help push you past any resistance that your “body” may give you along the way. 

I want to reach this goal because..,,,,

Send me a message and remind me of your goal and why it matters to you.

