Waiting to Breathe…and a Big Push! #RitetoReign

Behind? It can be difficult to keep up. We all know this, and yet we all feel guilty when we fall behind. When others are doing more than we are, which makes us feel we’re not “worthy”. I’ve been panicked and behind for most of the past three months,...

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Oct 12, 2018
Rite to Reign Scavenger Hunt!

EDITED TO ADD: Kaisquared4 has won my prize! Welcome to the Scavenger Hunt, brought to you by the authors of Rite to Reign. For those of you who don’t know me,  I’m Christine Ashworth, and my contribution to the box set is The Hidden One, Book One in...

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Oct 06, 2018
Winding the Year Down

October, November, December…and then 2018 is a memory. This is the time of year where I try to wind up all my projects, and leave myself at least a portion of December to breathe, grow, rest. To refill my mental, emotional, spiritual wells, so that I...

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Oct 03, 2018
Moving Forward

Growing pains. I haz them. In the past three weeks, I’ve finished the back matter on the three Caine novels; I’ve set up my Reader’s Group on Facebook, with some (a LOT) of help from Alexis M. Roark; I’ve rebooted my newsletter and gotten it sent out...

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May 04, 2018
Excerpt from Demon Rage…New Content!

My publisher has me polishing up the three Caine novels for a re-launch (new covers!), and adding or extending the books. Books 1 and 3 (Demon Soul and Demon Rage) have epilogs…book 2, Demon Hunt, has an extended ending, and I was so excited to revis...

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Apr 16, 2018