Romance Books, A Witchy Book,  and Three Tarot Books…

First, the Romance! Do I have books for you!! First, the Romance – yes, always my friends, because there can never be too much love in the world. I am much neglectful – this should have gone out much earlier, but here we are! Links to books and peopl...

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Sep 14, 2024
It’s just stuff…until it isn’t.

This is a long tale, one that has consumed me for 19 days. Let me explain. The last full weekend in July, I went to Mystic South in Atlanta, Georgia. I had a wonderful time and will blog about that at a later date…my mind has been completely focused...

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Aug 16, 2024
The Bedroom Diaries, Available June 30th!

The Bedroom Diaries is a new anthology I’m in, and it’s all about the wrong bed! Here’s the official blurb: Curl up with this collection of romances where fate, mistaken identities, and falling into the wrong bed lead to unforgettable love stories. F...

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Jun 13, 2024
Writing and Learning and Tarot and All

Be Here Now Photo of V and Mitchell Osborn at Readers Studio 2024 taken by me. (Mitchell is also the bomb. Check his website out!) Back in the day, Be Here Now, a book by Ram Dass published in the 1970s, ended up being a catch phrase for everyone to...

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May 04, 2024
LA Times Festival of Books – Conquered!

I Did It! I only went to the wrong parking garage twice. Sigh. BUT. Traffic behaved (though there were a couple of folks out there who learned how to drive by playing Mario Kart 8). I got there, parked, found my way to the Los Angeles Romance Authors...

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Apr 21, 2024
Los Angeles Times Festival of Books!

After 20 Years of Resistance – I’m Being Brave. Seriously. Seriously. It’s been at least 20 years since I’ve known about the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books, but I’ve never gone. Today – in little over an hour, actually – I am going to show up. T...

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Apr 20, 2024
Reboot for 2024

March is almost over, and I’m finally turning my attention to my website again. I know, it’s been rough and I haven’t been here. I apologize. Life, you know? At any rate…so much has been happening. I did a lot of travel after my book about Scott came...

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Mar 25, 2024
Summer and the Garden

July 4, 2023 So many emotions for this day…I cannot celebrate a country where over half the citizens have had their rights severely restricted by the bunch of so-called Christians sitting on the Supreme Court. So there’s that. When I got up this morn...

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Jul 04, 2023
I’m back. No, really, I’m back!

A year or so later… Hello! It’s been a minute, yeah? Depression and a global pandemic stopped this girl from writing romance. Instead, I was working on my passion project – a book about my brother Scott. More on that in another post, but if you want...

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Apr 09, 2023