The 6 steps to be a POWERFUL communicator

Nov 09, 2022 10:42 pm

Hi ,

I have a confession to make: I used to really struggle to speak powerfully.

Growing up I admired outspoken people and the way they shared their truth. They were so inspiring and bold. I had some bold ideas and deep thoughts as well, but when I tried to share them, my voice would shake and I'd second guess myself.

My own doubts impacted how I communicated and I felt stuck.

It was when I finally got the support I needed, for both my voice and my mindset, that I started to make a real improvement. I felt more positive, I could think more clearly, and I actually felt GOOD about what I was saying.

I want YOU to feel this same power when you communicate.

Guess what?

It does not require a huge change: It's making small adjustments, forming new habits, and you can start today by following these 6 steps!

Here are the 6 ways to be a powerful communicator:


Want to dive deeper on this topic?

You can listen to my recent Podcast episode about how to speak more powerfully HERE

Stay Calm & Speak On,

Voice Coach Jessica Neighbor

Impact Vocal Coaching
