Heads up: Impact Course Platform has scheduled maintenance tomorrow, 2/24/23

Feb 24, 2023 3:26 am

Hello ,

The Heights Course Platform, which hosts our Impact Public Speaking Course, will have a scheduled maintenance tomorrow at 9 AM United States Central Time. They predict it will take 2-4 hours.

This means that you will not be able to access our Impact course material during this time.

HOWEVER, you can access these video tutorial trainings to keep you training to become the best.speaker.ever:

  • Warm-up with the complete public speaker warm-up routine HERE

  • Learn the importance of recording yourself speaking HERE

  • Become a more powerful speaker when you watch my latest workshop HERE

Here is The Heights full maintenance announcement:

"There will be scheduled maintenance performed tomorrow Friday, February 24th, 2023 at 9am US Central time

During this this time Heights will be unavailable for all users for a period of 2-4 hours. 

Anyone attempting to access our service during this time will see a system maintenance page. 

Scheduled maintenance of this type, which requires temporarily making our service unavailable is very rare (the last maintenance of this type was over 3 years ago).

This maintenance helps us ensure speed and security for all of our creators as we grow. Once this maintenance is complete, we expect that it will be another few years before we need to perform a similar maintenance again."

Stay Calm & Speak On,

Voice Coach Jessica Neighbor

P.S. Want even more training videos? Hop on over to my youtube channel, Voice Coach Jessica Neighbor: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLTI651TbMNZMcTGsA3WFfQ
