Can you sing freely?

Apr 05, 2023 2:16 pm


Hi Singer Friend,

Can you sing freely?

As skilled singers, we can focus on "getting it right", and forget to sing for pure joy!

Did you know that singing is scientifically proven to make us feel better?

So I invite you to find a time soon to sing for the pure fun of it.

Sing like no one is listening (especially no one like your own inner-critic) and notice how much better you'll feel in just a few minutes.

Find a place you feel comfortable to really let loose:

  • In the shower.
  • In your car.
  • Outside somewhere.
  • Even in your closet if you are worried about other people hearing you.

Once you find your comfortable place, sing anything you like and focus on how you feel, rather than how you sound.

My favorite song to sing freely is "Feeling Good" by Nina Simone.

I feel like I'm flying when I sing, 🎵"Birds flying high, you know how I feel..."🎵

Which song makes you feel free? Reply to this message and share it with me if you like, I'd love to know :)

Happy Singing Freely,

Voice Coach Jessica


If you want to sing more freely with me this Summer, you can join me now for my Summer vocal coaching package, for singers ages 12 and up, HERE

Singers ages 7-11 can join me for my summer youth vocal program HERE

Don't want to wait until summer? You can join me in my online singing coaching course anytime, on any device, HERE
