🛵 Breaking news (new scooter in the garage)

Oct 16, 2021 7:01 pm

Hey, !


I haven't shared this on social media in any way, so you're getting breaking news as an email subscriber…


Well, there is 1 subscriber that knows but that's because he ended up coming to the dealership as we were loading a new scooter onto a trailer. Now I'm getting ahead of myself.


My husband bought an 2022 KYMCO AK 550 last weekend to use as his daily commuter.



When I say we were shopping for months, it was for both of us. I'll save the long story for a blog post, but I posted I was on my way to that town on Instagram. A follower on there & YouTube that I've interacted with regularly messaged me about it. A bit of back & forth and it turns out he was on the right side of town with availability, so we made lunch happen on the fly.


It was absolutely a treat to hang out and talk scooters with someone I've been chatting with online. Scooter lovers unite! 🛵😍


With that, if you ever find yourself in the Houston, Texas area, let me know, and let's see if we can meet up. I'll add a PS at the bottom when I'm traveling, too. I swear, it was a true highlight to meet up, so seriously reach out if an opportunity presents itself!

Thanks again, Marty!


Do you have any questions about the AK? I imagine it is a niche scooter, so I won't overload you with info if it's not your thing.

He's in love with it. 🥰 I know that.

Be seen & be safe, scooter friend! ♥

~Renee (aka Scooter Newbie)
