🛵 Which do you think is most popular: Honda, Kymco or Vespa?

Nov 13, 2021 9:01 pm

Let’s play a little game, !

Which scooter brand do you think is more popular (on the blog)?

This isn't super scientific, but I've got pages on multiple brands on the site that I'm slowly building out. Which do you think more people read so far? Oh & bonus, they hang out on the page longer for that 🛵 brand, too. I have been surprised. That's my popularity gauge at the moment.

  1. Honda
  2. Kymco
  3. Vespa


Next Saturday I'll let you know which is the winner.

 Be seen & be safe, scooter friend! ♥

Take care,

~Renee (aka Scooter Newbie)


ps: The group ride was delayed for me as I ended up out of town for a funeral. I appreciate the funny & useful replies from you guys, and I will shoot for the December ride with your words of wisdom & humor in my back pocket. You guys are truly the BEST 💖!
