day 60

Hello, Productive .Finally! We’ve come to the end of The Productive Path™ programme!Your task for today is simple.Look back to the previous emails and complete them if you’re yet to do so. This allows you to be up to date.I shall send you the last em...

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Nov 10, 2023
day 59

Hello, Productive .Establish strategies for managing and minimizing interruptions, such as setting specific "quiet hours" or using tools to block out distractions.When I want absolute silence, I work in my offcie with my door locked. Yes, that’s the...

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Nov 09, 2023
day 58

Hello, Productive .Visualize yourself successfully completing tasks and achieving your goals to boost motivation and focus.As an NLP practitioner, I was taught how to use my five senses to visualize my dream goals coming true.It’s exciting when you i...

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Nov 08, 2023
she completed her book!

Write joyfully, Grow remarkablyPeace be upon you, One of my clients just completed her manuscript. I'm super duper excited for her!We shall be moving to the next step after a thorough review by yours truly!You know what, , when my client S star...

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Nov 07, 2023
day 57

Hello, Productive .Spend 10 minutes engaging in a hobby you love, such as drawing, knitting, painting, or dancing.I discovered, some years ago that I enjoy painting, hence I hired a creativity coach who taught me the steps. I have since painted more...

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Nov 07, 2023
day 56

Hello, Productive .Dedicate 10 minutes to learn a new word, fact, or skill online.When you learn new things, your brain creates new brain cells which create a healthy brain. Neurologists say that learning a new skill changes the physical structu...

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Nov 06, 2023
NaNoWriMo competition has began!

Peace be upon you, I entered the NaNoWriMo competition of 2017 and won! The competition is every November 1st to 30th each year. The challenge is to write a fifty-thousand-word manuscript. The competition is already two days in. Why am I writing this...

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Nov 03, 2023
day 55

Hello, Productive .Spend 10 minutes brainstorming ideas for a project, blog post, or creative endeavor. This will go a long way.As a Book coach, the first step I usually take my clients through is to brainstorm on their book or project. The dumping h...

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Nov 03, 2023
day 54

Hello, Productive .Practice mindful eating during a meal, savouring each bite without distractions.I attended a Mindfulness practice certification course earlier this year and it was a necessary skill to acquire.In one of the practicals, we were take...

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Nov 02, 2023
day 53

Hello, Productive .Establish a system of rewards or treats to celebrate completing tasks or achieving milestones, providing additional motivation.I bought myself a box of goodies to celebrate the completion and publication of my first novel, Taken fo...

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Nov 01, 2023