day 58

Nov 08, 2023 7:01 am


Hello, Productive .

Visualize yourself successfully completing tasks and achieving your goals to boost motivation and focus.

As an NLP practitioner, I was taught how to use my five senses to visualize my dream goals coming true.

It’s exciting when you indulge in this visualization exercise as often as you can. It gives you that butterfly excitement in the stomach feeling.

Here’s one that I wrote for my novel's success. You can write yours for a particular goal, record it, and listen to it as you do your visualization. 

“I see myself sitting down at my elegantly decorated golden chair with my specially made signing pen held within my thumb and forefinger, appending my signatures on my paperback novels. 

The queue is long and I see my fans and well-wishers patiently waiting for their turns. "Allah Knows" Nasheed plays in the background as the scent of musk swirls around to encompass me in its embrace. 

My skin tingles with excitement and anticipation. I can finally taste success as I hum along with the Nasheed breaking midway to appreciate my tribe with sincere smiles and a heart full of gratitude.”


Your task for today.

Write your visualization using your five senses about a project you’re doing, record it, and start listening to it. 

To a productive you,


Your Productivity Buddy.



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