Final decision on the fortnightly newsletter.

Write joyfully, Grow remarkablyPeace be upon you, From the poll on the topic to be focused on in the newsletter, here's the verdict.The poll has two topics as the leading ones - productivity tips 33.3% and book marketing and sales anecdotes from...

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Jan 02, 2024
Day 22

Hello, Productive .Instead of getting stuck in problem-solving mode, adopt a proactive approach by identifying potential challenges and finding solutions in advance.For example, if you want to complete a task, list the things that might stop you from...

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Jan 02, 2024
Some services and products feedback that you can use.

Write joyfully, Grow remarkablyI promised to share some feedback from clients who used my services so that you can use them in your affiliate marketing, .For me, I prefer to use a product or service so that I'm able to give real and honest feedb...

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Jan 01, 2024
SGTD accountability mastermind is closed for Q1!

Write joyfully, Grow remarkablyPeace be upon you, Yay! I'm grateful for a successful intakes for Q1 of SGTD. So, officially, Product Sale for SGTD accountability mastermind for Q1 2024 is closed! If you plan to join us in the next quarter, be on...

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Jan 01, 2024
Day 21

Hello, Productive .It’s FREE resources day!Use these free resources to get organized, and productive and take your business or side business and personal life to another height without straining your pocket.Pixabayhttp://pixabay.comThis is where you...

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Jan 01, 2024
[FINAL CALL] on joining SGTD, {{contact.last_name}}.

Write joyfully, Grow remarkablyPeace be upon you, This is the last email you shall receive on joining us for the SGTD accountability mastermind, . I've sent several emails on why you need to join, what you shall benefit and many more. I know tha...

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Dec 31, 2023
are you still on the fence? 😯

Write joyfully, Grow remarkablyPeace be upon you, When you work with me as a member of the Simply Get Things Done™ mastermind, you're sure to experience a transformation like never before and just like my client below."I reached out to Rahee dur...

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Dec 31, 2023
the doors to register for SGTD ends today?

Write joyfully, Grow remarkablyPeace be upon you, Are you an established female coach, entrepreneur or consultant who needs to smash her 2024 goals? Read…It was seven years ago when I embarked on writing my first novel ever.The beginning wa...

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Dec 31, 2023