I Need You Help.

Jan 03, 2024 2:32 pm


Write joyfully, 

Grow remarkably

Peace be upon you,

I shared in an email to you last year that I was taking some time off to focus on a certification that I was enrolled in. This is the reason I'm in your inbox now.

I enrolled in Author Accelerator’s Book Coach Certification program and have been given deadlines to complete the program.

In the program, I am learning how to evaluate nonfiction books and work with nonfiction writers to help them complete their books in a formal setting.

I am seeking a writer who is willing to let me practice on her project and her. This will be different from the way that I've approached projects in the past.

I need to practice my new skills and practice approaching the work as an authority rather than a peer.

Do you have a book idea you're dying to write?

Would you be willing to work through a series of exercises to lay the foundation of your story, and allow me to provide feedback on them and coach you on a phone or video conference call?

Would you allow Author Accelerator’s editorial team to review my work (and therefore your work)?

If the answer is YES, please email me and I’ll send you my writer intake Q&A, which will help me get a sense of your project. If I think your project might be a good fit for my practicum, we’ll set up a short discovery call to discuss more details.

I appreciate the support.

Thank you!

To your awesomeness,


Your Book / Accountability Coach
