Final Reminder, re: tomorrow

Jan 06, 2021 8:17 pm

Hey folks, I'm sending a final reminder that we have our next Sexperts Business Meeting tomorrow at 4.30pm GMT. Our focus is on supporting each other with direct Ask & Give session - here are a few examples:

  • if someone needs more exposure, they can ask for contacts with people in the media or content creators,
  • if someone wants to find collaborators for a project - they can ask for suitable connections
  • if someone needs advice on software tools or optimising/automating their work- they can ask for recommendations - and so on

So, bring your needs and wants, let's help each other THRIVE in 2021!

It's been only a short while, but the meetings and community have helped us attendees to save and make money, build partnerships and more. So if you want to join - register here. ONLY registered folk receive link to the meeting.

Looking forward to seeing you join.



Leah Spasova | Business Community Leader
a: Sexperts Business Community | International
p: +44 7593359159
linkedin icon Join us and network on LinkedIn
