Looking for a referral, can you help?

Jan 05, 2021 12:36 am

Hey , this may or may not be a thing you can help with - the least because of location - but if you know someone you trust and would recommend I'd be keen to be linked up.

I have a male (cis) client who is looking for a female sex surrogate with knowledge and experience in kink. He's based in London (UK), so a link to a professional who is offering sex surrogacy would be best.

Looking forward to your recommendations and connections. ;)


Leah Spasova

Sexpert & Community Leader

Leah Spasova | Business Community Leader
a: Sexperts Business Community | International
e: sbc@lifesexperts.com 
w: sexperts-community.business.site
p: +44 7593359159
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