From Trauma to Pleasure - After Sexual Assault: Reclaiming Your Sexual Joy

Jun 17, 2021 9:44 pm

Hey hey

Did you know that nearly a quarter of women have experienced sexual assault and that 97% have experienced sexual harassment in their life? So if you're a woman, these statistics are probably unsurprising to you...and if you're a man, well - you should know that the women in your life have been through this - whether they speak about it or not.

And if you're a person who wants to have healthy and pleasurable intimate life after traumatic experiences - I want to invite you to a workshop that can help women and their supportive partners to reclaim sexual joy. I'm hosting this event with fellow sexuality expert Veronica Monet - who is talented and knowledgeable and has plenty of priceless and life-changing insights to share with you.

Let me see the event

I hope you'd make time and space for yourself and/or your partner join us.

Feel free to bring a +1, we want you to feel less alone and more supported through this healing and insightful experience.

Smiles ;)


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