We Need Your Support

Apr 28, 2021 1:46 am


I know if you are receiving this email you already know what's going on.....I am putting out regular videos - here is the last one in case you missed it.



We are working on BIG things behind the scenes and need your financial support. More info will be coming out soon, and I am not one to ask for support, but if you can donate to the cause in these times when our Freedom is at risk - now is the time to show your support with your dollars.


Thank you for your support,

Leigh Dundas

avatar David
Hi Leigh, Do you take donations in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and others? Thank you
avatar Dennis
Hello Leigh, I was sent to you from a chat room, they said you might be able to help me. My son was just suspended from school for not wearing a mask. I live in Indianapolis, IN and was wondering if you had any legal documents or can direct me the right way to obtain them. Thanks, Dennis
avatar karen
You are an earth Angel - you are needed at this time - stay strong, stay safe - they will come for you and try to destroy you. Dont let them. We (humanity) needs you. Thank you so much xx
avatar Jen Wiersma
Hello there! I was wondering if I could send you some information regarding the student government board turning down 100 students in their desire to have a Turning Point USA chapter on campus. I'd love your input. Thank you!
avatar Steve
Thank you for standing up to this. Our freedom in America is not free, and sometimes you have to fight for it. Now is obviously one of those times. In Portland, Oregon the University of Portland is proud to announce that the Covid-19 gene therapy is now mandatory. "Thus, we announce today that all University of Portland students, faculty, and staff will be required to receive a COVID-19 vaccination. Employees must submit proof of vaccination no later than August 1, 2021. Students must submit proof of vaccination no later than September 1, 2021. As with other vaccination requirements, medical and/or non-medical (e.g., religious) exemptions from this policy may be requested consistent with Oregon and federal law." https://www.up.edu/pilotsprevent/community-messages/april-27-vaccines-required-for-faculty-staff-students.html
avatar Maggie
I am going for Stockton Superior Court CA Jury duty This monday 05/03/21 but will not wear a mask. How do I need to preventatively arm myself with points from the constitution to avoid contempt of court and if they do lock me up who do i contact to get help to get me out probono as i am unemployed.
avatar Ellie
Is this money being used for your work focusing on Orange County, or is this a global thing? I’m in the UK. I love every bit of what you stand for, and your passion and commitment is incredible, I only hope that this can be effective globally so that nobody is discriminated against and loses freedoms and human rights. Thank you for all your dedication. Much love.
avatar Huck
I have a question about these “self spreading vaccines” (which very well could be what’s happening with the Covid vax) and how this is certainly against the Nuremberg code. The very creation of it is immoral as they’re deliberately infecting unwilling participants with a biological agent. Is there anything legally which can be done regarding such a thing? Surely this sort of thing would be a human rights violation no?
avatar Antara
Dennis, There is also Frontlinedoctors.org and theHealthyAmerican.org Dr Simone Gold in Frontline is also putting together a DreamTeam of help as noted in her talk on 2nd day of Health and Freedom Conference: https://www.brighteon.com/fded8475-2c52-4592-9663-9c117d32cc0d
avatar Fred A Dodson
I am running right now and no time to review this but want to report a shot (It’s NOT a vaccine) incident. My daughter who is major anti vax was exposed to my sister at Easter and has experienced heavy bleeding with double periods and it continues. How do we report this? I want to sue the medical industry and the government and get financial compensation for damages.
avatar Joy Paulson
Did you hear about this, Leigh? Please share!! People still think we stopped the vaccine passport in OC CA and this is not true at all. It was passed in secret. Please share the attached video far and wide —and by the way Facebook has this entire domain blocked!! https://www.brighteon.com/3c2c021b-fcfe-4988-9273-7b40fbbdc82e
avatar Janedoe-755
LEGAL NAME FRAUD THE TRUTH IT'S ILLEGAL TO USE A LEGAL NAME #BCCRSS <---- Click here to know more #LEGALNAMEFRAUD #ILOVETRUTH #IDsIllegal https://truthishere.wordpress.com/
avatar Wendy
I have a medical disability and am tired of businesses being out of compliance. After numerous city calls and management calls , still no compliance. Can I hire you or can you give me a referral to start sending letters etc. I'm completely fed up and ADA is worthless as well. Thanks for all you do!!..your dedication and passion is so appreciated.
avatar Mel
Leigh how do we get your help? Concerned students, parents, family and friends of LMU about the vaccine mandate and discriminatory vaccine policies. They are using coercive messaging to get the students to get vaccine. Already reports of adverse reactions from some students. Students feeling the pressure. We understand it is not legal but the president is pushing forward.
avatar Kelly
Leigh, My daughter is in the same boat at NSU Dental in Davie, FL. Our governor just signed an EO prohibiting proof of the v@x. This is a private school, can they still force the students into submission by telling them that they are not allowed to participate in clinical courses if the opt out? Please advise. Thank you so very much for all you do!
avatar Carol M.
I’m so thankful that I found you! I just received the video of a recent speech you presented and was I’m with you!
avatar Joanna P
University of Washington sent out a notice that they will be requiring everyone to get vaccinated in order to return to classes. So students are being denied an education (which they paid for) unless they submit to a vaccine they may not be comfortable getting?? This is so wrong.
avatar Nico
Do you have a clone that works in Ohio? We need the help.
avatar Amy E
"I am the leader I'm been waiting to find." Needed to hear that today. Thank you for helping to empower me to take greater action. Right now I've only been doing it on a small scale by speaking out on what I believe to be "truth" to friends, family, and people at work, but I am growing in motivation to take it farther by getting involved locally. Thank you for all you do to inspire us and to fight for human freedoms.
avatar Cs
Same for cal state la they are telling students they have to have the vaccine to return to campus. We need to oppose this before it spreads like wildfire.
avatar LNAWalters
How do you find out about what's happening in your state for resistance, much like what you're doing in California?? You can't search for it online and no social media allows opposition groups a platform. Help? I'm in Colorado and would love to connect with those who are doing something!
avatar Sean Adams
I want to find out how I can help in this fight. Does anyone know where I can volunteer?
avatar Lisa
I have a daughter at UC Irvine and I'm losing sleep over the vaccine mandate on the UC campuses. I'm worried she'll just bow to the tremendous pressure they're putting on everyone and go get her vaccine. What can I do? I live in another state. Thank you for fighting the good fight.
avatar Kimberly
Can you let us in upstate ny...Rochester...know who the attorneys are taking cases here..ty!! God bless you and your work
avatar Jolene
I'm part of a growing parent organization in OC trying to fight our school board. If there is any way we can join forces, to have strength in numbers, please contact me.
avatar Pedro Sevilla
Hi Leigh I found out about your through Clay Clark. I am in Washington State. Word has it that at the end of June Mask Mandates will only apply to the unvaccinated. Those that have their cv19 vax papers will be allowed to take masks off. How can I defend my rights and freedoms from this tyranny??? Want to move from this communist state but my wife doesn’t want to. Please help
avatar Julie Martin
Could you please give me info and/or reference to vaccine ferret study you referenced in you speech several times. Appreciate what you are doing. God bless. Julie Martin, Greenwood Village, CO
avatar Marjorie Oberlander
How can we mail P.O. Money orders to you for the Truckers fund so the Deep State cannot track us and shut down our bank accounts. Sincere thanks for all you do.