Link to Day 4 Live Stream - Psychology of the Winner

Jun 15, 2024 12:53 am


Dear Friends,

Can you believe it? Tomorrow, Saturday, June 15, 2024 at 10:30 a.m. PDT is the FINAL SESSION of the Psychology of the Winner Course!

Day 4 Live Streaming of Leigh Dundas' Class -- "The Psychology of the Winner" -- will be at this link:

As usual, Leigh will be teaching -- while Team Dundas monitors the audio-visual connectivity. Also, we'd love to be able to pull some questions from the chat bar into the discussion, so feel free to use that chat bar!

On a different note, we realize that some of you may have experienced difficulty logging in to the last recorded session: thank you to those of you who raised the issue, and that has now been corrected. Accordingly, the Day 3 Video as well as the first and second sessions are available at the following link, where they will live permanently (along with the final session, once it's recorded tomorrow):


ALSO NOTE: The above page is password protected, and the password is case sensitive:  SupportLeighPS101


This final video should post with 1 – 3 days of the class/live-stream being recorded and concluded (depending on the level of post-production edits needed).


Thank you ALL -- very much -- for your undying support, eternal patience and feedback as we've been getting this new project off the ground.

Please feel free to send any praise, testimonials, comments or feedback to -- and may God Bless Each and Every One of You This Year!


Team Dundas
